/* Anti-spam plugin No spam in comments. No captcha. wordpress.org/plugins/anti-spam/ */ (function($) { function anti_spam_init() { $('.comment-form-ant-spm, .comment-form-ant-spm-2').hide(); // hide inputs from users var answer = $('.comment-form-ant-spm input#ant-spm-a').val(); // get answer $('.comment-form-ant-spm input#ant-spm-q').val(answer); // set answer into other input instead of user $('.comment-form-ant-spm-2 input#ant-spm-e-email-url').val(''); // clear value of the empty input because some themes are adding some value for all inputs var current_date = new Date(); var current_year = current_date.getFullYear(); if ( $('#comments form input#ant-spm-q').length == 0 ) { // anti-spam input does not exist (could be because of cache or because theme does not use 'comment_form' action) $('#comments form').append(''); // add whole input with answer via javascript to comment form } if ( $('#respond form input#ant-spm-q').length == 0 ) { // similar, just in case (used because user could bot have #comments) $('#respond form').append(''); // add whole input with answer via javascript to comment form } if ( $('form#commentform input#ant-spm-q').length == 0 ) { // similar, just in case (used because user could bot have #respond) $('form#commentform').append(''); // add whole input with answer via javascript to comment form } } $(document).ready(function() { anti_spam_init(); }); $(document).ajaxSuccess(function() { // add support for comments forms loaded via ajax anti_spam_init(); }); })(jQuery);